Eric K. Silverman Anthropologist
- Scholar at the Women’s Studies Research Center at Brandeis University
- Research Scholar and Writer at The Rhodes Project, London
- Former Research Professor of Anthropology, Wheelock College

Papua New Guinea
Eric has long-standing interest in the people of Papua New Guinea, especially a community of Iatmul speakers along the middle Sepik River. He first conducted fieldwork there in the late-1980s, and has returned many times.

Art and Globalization
Currently, Eric is writing a book about Iatmul art and globalization, and the changing environment of the Sepik River, focusing on traditional and ‘tourist art’ as well as how the Iatmul today decorate with modern images and music.

Jewish Studies
Eric also has long-term interest in Jewish studies. He is, in fact, perhaps the only anthropologist today who shifts his research, writings, and public speaking between Jewish Studies and Melanesian Studies.

The Rhodes Project
Presently, Eric is working on The Rhodes Project, a collaborative book-length study of women Rhodes Scholars, based on in-depth interviews. Rhodes Scholars first arrived at Oxford University in 1903 – but women were only allowed to apply in 1977. This study explores the lives, experiences, and careers of these women.
Blog and News

What’s a Latte Worth to Papua New Guinea?
Americans today are rightly concerned with highlight the importance of diversity. All ethnic groups should feel they have a valid voice on the global stage - that their experiences matter. Ironically, the most diverse place on earth - Papua New Guinea - rarely figures...